Name: Joseph Giampino
9 to 5:  A paint splattering, music making, world traveling bad joke telling tastemaker
MLB Raleigh Role: Hand painted the scoreboard for the Raleigh Boys Club field
Instagram: @spclsigns

Whether you know Joseph Giampion by name or not, it’s pretty likely you know his work around Raleigh. Joseph was formally one of the hottest DJ’s on the east coast (DJ SPCLSGST), now he’s stepped back to pursue his true passion, sign painting.

Joseph has done signs for Trophy Brewing, Two Roosters, Big Boss, Locals Oyster Bar, Mama Crow’s, Oakwood Pizza Box, Transfer Food Hall, Raleigh Raw, Arrow Barber Shop, St. Roch, Read with Me, Raleigh Bitters, Durham Food Halls, Wilson’s Eatery, Wye Hill, Union Special Bread, Pooleside Pies, and so many more.

So when it was time for us to create a new scoreboard for the Boys Club we were lucky enough to have Joseph reach out to us and offer up his talent and time to make it happen.

This project was more than just helping a MLB Raleigh with their mission for Joseph. The Boys and Girls Club Field isn’t far from his home and his wife teaches music to some of the kids that attend the club and he’s a huge baseball fan (and a member of Raleigh’s Sandlot team, The Raleigh Reapers). The authenticity in his work and dedication to his community are the reasons Joseph has become the most sought-after sign artist in this city and a reason we feel humbled that he was willing to donate his time and talents to this project.