Bounded by I-40, South Saunders Street, and Penmarc Drive, the plot contains a small hotel, some industrial buildings, and two large, open fields. Its overall size and proximity to I-40, the primary north-south artery into downtown, and the Capital Area Greenway make the Penmarc Drive area an especially attractive spot for a Major League Baseball stadium complex.
What is interesting with Penmarc was that almost all of this land was owned by a single private owner who purchased it in 2010 and had been sitting on it ever since. That was until Raleigh’s leading developer, John Kane purchased the land with the initial intention of bringing Major League Soccer to Raleigh and having its stadium anchor his district.
In that process, the Downtown South land was zoned for a stadium, however, MLS fell through, with Charlotte receiving the team in 2019. That has left Kane with prime real estate, zoned for a stadium and in need of a major anchor. No expansion city has things set up quite this perfectly. But Raleigh does.
An interesting idea would be to activate the Water Treatment plant by re-using it (food hall/brewery/hotel) as an anchor for a new adjacent district with the stadium right next door.
This location would give easy access to both fans coming in from the surrounding metro area, as well as downtown residents. Its location would also mitigate grid traffic in downtown proper.